All beginnings are difficult - the first rides in a new power wheelchair even more so. The new "WheelSim" simulator app offers relief for the initial phase with realistic training and specific lessons on correct behaviour. WheelSim is suitable for people who are to receive a power wheelchair or have recently received one and would like to practice the correct operation safely. Other target groups are therapists and wheelchair providers.
This innovative app can be used on a computer or with virtual reality headsets.

Virtual reality
What up to now could "only" be followed on the screen is now moving much closer to the real world thanks to virtual reality (VR) technology with a VR simulator. The VR headset allows an all-round view of the virtual world and head movements change the field of vision: Lowering the head helps, for example, to see the wheels of the power wheelchair and allow to assess distances better. By looking back, you can check whether there is an object or a person behind the wheelchair.
This makes the WheelSim training ride a realistic experience - completely without danger and repeatable at any time. This helps people who want to learn to use a power wheelchair to safely practice otherwise stressful situations in dry training.
WheelSim: What sets us apart

Practical and user-friendly
Exactly those skills are trained that are needed in everyday life situations.

Driving in the simulated world is fun, all testers were highly motivated and virtually en route.

The app is just as easy to use and understand for beginners - even for children - as it is for experienced wheelchair users.

Feedback from therapists and wheelchair providers
WheelSim is a practical and useful tool for training various skills such as fine motor skills to control the power wheelchair while taking a lift or to master stressful driving situations.

Safe traffic participation and knowledge acquisition
Training videos are seen as helpful support by the test persons. All texts are written in easy-to-understand language and contribute to effortless text comprehension.
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